Sunday, January 17, 2010


Everyone in out family are dog lovers. I have 4 granddog's and yes I call them my granddog's because I love them like my grandchildren. In another post I was talking about my granddaughter losing her black lab. She came and stayed all night with her little cousin who was in visiting. They had went to bed and was singing over one of the mikes you can buy now that lets you here yourself sing. Now my mother-in-law loves to sing, she was in the room with them in another bed so she ask them to let her sing them a song. She sung a very old song that my father-in-law used to sing to my kids when they were little. It was about two little girls with golden curls who had got some matches and played with them and then got burned up. Now these two was listening to every word taking it all in. It is such a sad song. Now my granddaughter just could't take this so she began bawling . She cried for at least a hour and my mother-in-law could not get her to stop. So they ask her what was she crying so about and she said my dog. Now this went on for at least another hour. When she starts crying she goes into fits. So here I get a phone call to come get her as they were leaving the next day and had to get some sleep.  I walked down and got her around one in the morning and brought her up to my house and  her face was swelled and eyes so red and I ask now what has caused all of this. I miss my dog she said and I can't stand to think that I can't get to see him no more and play with him. A big snow is on and he is in his grave and I know he is so cold. Now what do  you say to this.....
She finally stopped crying and got a piece of paper and began drawing. She drew a picture of a man and put Jesus under it and then she drew a picture of her dog and put Patch then she wrote Patch is with Jesus in heaven. This calmed her down by drawing . So if this ever happens just get a piece of paper and let them draw it will take their mind off of what they are crying about even if it is three in the morning. It don't matter how long your dog has been dead you still miss them. Mine has been dead for at least 10 years and every time I see a picute of her I cry and me a old grandma. She was a long haired golden retriver and my kids grew up with her. They are the best dogs to get for a child for a pet for a large dog. They watch out for them and really are very protective of them. They are also so gentle or the girls are. No wonder Oprah loves hers so much.The labs are the same way. But for a small dog for a pet for inside the house to me a yorkie or a poodle is the best. But that is just what we have been around alot. I love my other granddog's which are toy yorkies and a toy poodle. The one named Lucy is such a big baby and oh yes you can spoil them just like a child. Cody , the poodle is around 18 years old and has lost his teeth about two weeks ago and now is on soft food. He still loves to be petted and loves running outside altho he can't see that good now. He keeps up with the other ones tho.
 It is so sad to go by the roadside and see all the dogs people sit out to strave to death or get killed with a car. If I see them I always try to take some dog food back with me to feed them. I know I can't keep them but at least they won't starve for a while as long as I can see them.

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