Sunday, November 14, 2010


It was a very hot summer day and like all animals on a hot day they love to try to find a cool shady spot. Now my father-in-law had a pig who was more of a pet then a dog is. Some way or other this pig got out of the pen it was in and wanted to find a cool spot to lay. Now it being a pig you can not get it to mind that good. So my father-in-law thought he would just call to it and get it to come back to him. Now that pig had a mind of its own. No matter what he said to it he just could not get it to come get back in it's pen. So the chase began. Around and around the pen up and down the road and in the yard. You name it and that pig was going for it.
 So it decided to go up the main road from where he lived. You have to go up a hill to get to the main road. Away it went and away my father-in-law went after it.
 Now this pig was not that big so some way or other caught it. Here he came carrying it back. THIS time it was put back in its pen. He was give out from chasing the pig. He hurt his back some way and had to go to the doctor. So my mother-in-law went with him. The doctor went out of the room and she got his paper and was looking at the report. The doctor had wrote down."Cause of pain", chasing a pig. What part hurting, "Back" from carrying the pig. Bed rest for one week until back eases up. No more lifting or chasing pigs.
 My father-in-laws back was put together with screws and wire where he had been hurt and had to be operated on. As he never weighted no more that 120 lbs. I don't see how he could lift that pig. I think he had enough of a pig for a pet and got rid of it. His back hurt him for a long time after that.
I think the next animal he got for a pet was a monkey named Herman.  Herman was one of the meanest things I have ever seen. Read the story on Herman. lol.

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