Thursday, October 20, 2011


Saw this on t.v. and is an new place to print off coupons. It is called.


This is a good site that puts evrything in when you are searching for a type of decor or really any type of search.


This is a good site to find gifts and decor.    It is spelled with flours and not flowers.


1 Refigerated Pie Crust, thawed
14 Hershey Kisses of your choice
1 Egg White
1 Tablespoon Water
Regular Sugar for top
Powdered Sugar for dusting

 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Roll out pie dough onto a lightly floured counter top. Place 10 kisses around the edges of pie dough, about 2 1/2 inches apart . Take a knive and cut a 2 1/2-3 inch circle around kiss. Fold half of pie dough around top of dough and pinch edge around top of kiss.   Fold up both sides of remaining dough up to the tip of the kiss pinching edge.  Now press together edges and form criss cross. Continue cutting dough around kisses until all dough is used up. Makes around 14 pies.
 Brush all little pies with an egg white wash then sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake for 20-28 minutes or until little pies are golden. Remove and let cool for 5 minutes before transferring to cooling rack. Dust each with powdered sugar and serve.


1 Cup Peanut Butter, creamy
1 Cup Powdered sugar plus more for glaze
1 Tablespoon Butter or marg. softened
3 Cup Rice Krispies
1 Cup or more Coconut

Mix the butter and peanut butter together and then add the cup of powdered sugar. Mix again. Next add the rice krispies to the mixture. Roll into balls. Make a thin glaze out of some powered sugar and water in a small bowl. Put one ball at a time over in the glaze. Take out. Then roll each one in the coconut and put on wax paper to dry. Very good but these will not keep very long so do not make a large amount of them. Best eat within 3 days of making them.


Wow, I cannot believe I have been gone for almost three weeks. lol. Had to go down to Nashville to help my son unpack and put up decor and boy has it been one more job.
While down there we went to the Amish and got to see the stir off for their molasses. I got some jugs of them to bring home. We don't have any up here in Ky. like they make. Whole foods in Franklin, Tn. has some that are sold in jugs that come from outside of Nashville but these were made fresh right there and still warm. They are so good mixed with some soft marg. or butter and put between a biscuit for breakfast. They also make such good ginger bread also.
While at the Amish we got the recipe for the snow ball candy again. It is different I think from the last one we got.
If you love yard saleing then go down to Nashville in the spring and fall to all the community yard sales. It is like Christmas. You don't know what you will get and all of it is all like new or most of it is still new in the packages. All kinds of good stuff.  But don't go looking for clothes because all they have is home decor and cooking stuff and bedspreads and curtains and the list goes on and on and nothing is expensive at all. This stuff comes from two hundred to five hundred thousand dollar homes. But you had better have a truck because you see so much you want to buy that you can't haul it in a car.  I love to go look for cookbooks. I got one that I had bought my son for Xmas from Sam's Club this past Xmas and only gave $3.00 for it and it new and I gave $25.00 for it at Sam's. Lamps any kind and shape. Any kind of flower arragments you can think of. lol.
Of course while there he took me to Jason's Deli for lunch. I still cannot get over how big the baked potatoes are. We get the poco one and it has to be 1 foot or more long. It even has grilled chicken on top of it and so very good. Of course you get free ice cream. lol. And their gingerbread mini muffins are to die for. I really enjoyed eating there.
 Also we went to Golden Corral to eat and I got some cajun shrimp with scampi sauce over rice made to order and I believe it was the best shrimp I have ever ate. But boy was it hot. I am going to make me some at home. Finding a good scampi sauce recipe is hard to find tho. We went to so many different places to eat while there that I think I put on a few pounds. lol. And me supposed to be dieting.
But it is always good to get back home except for getting ready for this bad weather they are giving. I can't believe how fast summer and fall has gone. Now it is almost time for Christmas and all the stores have all the Christmas stuff out and it makes you feel like you are late in buying any type gifts and Oct. not even over with.
I will be trying to catch up with putting new recipes I got on here. I guess everyone needs some time off. lol. Not trying to promote any of the restaurants I mentioned just love eating at new ones in that area.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


5 Quarts Chilled Water
3 Cups Sugar
1 Tablespoon Lemon Extract
1 Tablespoon Citric Acid can get at a health food store 

Fresh Lemon, Lime or Orange Slices

In a punch bowl or large container combine water, sugar, lemon extract, and citric acid. Stir until sugar is all dissolved. Then add citrus slices to float in the punch (must do this). Do not use a plastic ladle to stir with or the acid will ruin it.

Stefen's White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

  White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Raisin Cookies From Lisa B. Ingredients: 14 TBSP butter, softened (2 sticks) ½ cup granulated su...